Build a Statcast Database in R

The following is a set of instructions to build and format a comprehensive MLB Statcast database including play-by-play data and statistics such as pitch tracking, exit velocity, and launch angle. Bill Petti’s scraping functions from the baseballr R package are used to source data from Baseball Savant. Full R code... [Read More]
Tags: R baseball

The Need for Sustainable Global Food Policy

Research Study Conducted in Stockholm, Sweden

INTRODUCTION Today, the global food system has become a naturally complex web of consumers, producers, and policymakers, each with different set of ideas and priorities for the future of the industry. Nevertheless, despite diverging opinions, experts in the field all gravitate towards one conclusion: the current system is unsustainable. There... [Read More]

An Open Letter to IBM on Facial Recognition

In January 2019, IBM released a collection of nearly a million photos scraped from image hosting service Flickr to academic and corporate research groups. The photos were filtered from a Yahoo, then parent company of Flickr, publication in 2014 of 100 million images, and annotated with skin tone, estimated age... [Read More]