Well, the 2020 MLB Season has finally arrived, roughly four months after the previously scheduled start date. In advance of Opening Day tonight, I’m going to share my fantasy baseball player rankings, and the methodology behind the system. Note these rankings are designed for a snake draft (no auction values) in an ESPN Head-to-Head Categories league with a standard scoring system. These rankings are for fantasy baseball, and do not reflect overall player value. The general approach is to ensemble nine reputable projection systems to produce a consensus player ranking. The sample skewness for player projections is used to add potential boom/bust notes for players. All links to projections can be found in Jupyter Notebook write up of this project, located in the GitHub repository linked above.


First, we’ll need to import the necessary modules.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import zscore, skew

We’ll now begin the ardous process of reading in the various hitter projections. We will want to be able to merge projection systems and historical performance statistics based on player id’s over player names, to ensure accuracy. However, many sites have their own id conventions, so we will need a method to convert between id mappings. The Chadwick Register will be used to provide these conversions, with the extensive Steamer Projections providing official player naming conventions.

names = pd.concat([
    pd.read_csv("fb2020_data/steamer_batters_2020.csv").set_index('playerid').loc[:, 'Name'],
    pd.read_csv("fb2020_data/steamer_pitchers_2020.csv").set_index('playerid').loc[:, 'Name']])

# create conversion df with player name, fangraphs id, and mlbam id
# will use fangraphs id as index throughout
register = (pd.read_csv("fb2020_data/people.csv", dtype = 'str')
            .loc[:, ['key_mlbam', 'key_fangraphs']]
            .merge(names, how = 'right', left_on = 'key_fangraphs', right_on = 'playerid')
            .query("key_fangraphs != '10171'")) # double Jose Ramirez entries, remove incorrect key

The ESPN Projections are a mess, but because the fantasy league is within an ESPN format, it’s a necessary inclusion. We will also add ESPN positional eligibility later. Some player names need to be changed to sync with the register (ESPN does not publish player id’s). Team names and injury designations are also removed, as they will show up in the draft software anyway.

espn_batters = pd.read_csv("fb2020_data/espn_batters_2020.csv")

# cells of importance (Name, Position) located every third row over the Rank and Player columns
rank = espn_batters['RANK'].iloc[::3]
espn_names = (espn_batters['PLAYER'].iloc[1::3]
              .replace(['Pete Alonso', 'Gio Urshela', 'Nate Lowe'],
                       ['Peter Alonso', 'Giovanny Urshela', 'Nathaniel Lowe'])
              .str.replace('DTD|IL10|IL60', '', regex = True))
positions = espn_batters['PLAYER'].iloc[2::3].str.replace(
     "StL|TB|Tex||Tor|Wsh|ChW"), '', regex = True)
hab = espn_batters['H/AB'].iloc[0:300].str.split("/", expand = True)

# combine isolated Rank, Name, and Position with player stats
espn_batters = (pd.DataFrame({
    'ESPN_Rank': rank.reset_index(drop = True),
    'Name': espn_names.reset_index(drop = True),
    'Position': positions.reset_index(drop = True),
    'AB': hab[1],
    'H': hab[0],
    'R': espn_batters['R'].iloc[0:300],
    'HR': espn_batters['HR'].iloc[0:300],
    'RBI': espn_batters['RBI'].iloc[0:300],
    'SB': espn_batters['SB'].iloc[0:300],
    'AVG': espn_batters['AVG'].iloc[0:300]})
                .merge(register[['key_fangraphs', 'Name']], on = 'Name') # add fangraphs id, set as index
                .assign(System = "ESPN")
                .rename(columns = {'key_fangraphs': 'playerid'})
                .query("R != '--'") # remove row of TBD projections for Yasiel Puig (unsigned free agent)
                .astype({'ESPN_Rank': 'int32', 'AB': 'int32', 'H': 'int32', 'R': 'int32',
                        'HR': 'int32', 'RBI': 'int32', 'SB': 'int32', 'AVG': 'float64'}))

A similar process is repeated for Number Fire and Razzball Hitter Projections. Full code can be found through the GitHub link at the top of the article.

FanGraphs publishes several projection systems in the same format, so we can write one function to read the rest.

# remaining projection systems are similar
def read_batters(path, system):
    return (pd.read_csv(path)
            .loc[:, ["ADP", "PA", "AB", "H", "R", "HR", "RBI", "SB", "AVG"]]
            .assign(System = system))

atc_batters = read_batters("fb2020_data/atc_batters_2020.csv", "ATC")
fgdc_batters = read_batters("fb2020_data/fgdepthchart_batters_2020.csv", "FanGraphs Depth Charts")
steamer_batters = read_batters("fb2020_data/steamer_batters_2020.csv", "Steamer")
thebat_batters = read_batters("fb2020_data/thebat_batters_2020.csv", "The Bat")
thebatx_batters = read_batters("fb2020_data/thebatx_batters_2020.csv", "The Bat X")
zips_batters = read_batters("fb2020_data/zips_batters_2020.csv", "ZiPS")

Now, we’ll concat the various hitter projections into one dataframe, called all_batters. Note for a couple systems, there was not a AB or H projection given (only a raw average). Either the mean AB of other systems for the same player or the total PA number is used to estimate the projection. We’ll keep only players with an average draft pick under 999 and projected to receive more than 50 PA, eliminating players with little-to-no chance of being drafted, The statistic Hits Above Average (HAA) is also calculated and used in lieu of AVG, as a .300 hitter with 250 PA is far more impressive than a .300 hitter with 10 PA. Finally, the aggregate Rating stat is quite simple: just a zscore of the statistics relevant to the ESPN Fantasy scoring system (R, HR, RBI, SB, HAA).

all_batters = (pd.concat([atc_batters, fgdc_batters, steamer_batters, 
                          thebat_batters, thebatx_batters, zips_batters,
                          espn_batters[['AB', 'H', 'R', 'HR', 'RBI', 'SB', 'AVG', 'System']],
                          nf_batters[['PA', 'R', 'HR', 'RBI', 'SB', 'AVG', 'System']],
                          razzball_batters[['PA', 'AB', 'H', 'R', 'HR', 'RBI', 'SB', 'AVG', 'System']]])
               # if no AB or H projection available, use mean of other projections for same player or use PA to estimate ABs
               .assign(AB = lambda df: df.AB.fillna(df.groupby('playerid')['AB'].transform('mean')).fillna(df.PA*0.92).astype(int),
                       H = lambda df: df.H.fillna(df.groupby('playerid')['H'].transform('mean')).fillna(df.AB*df.AVG).astype(int))
               .query('(ADP < 999 | ADP.isnull()) & (PA > 50 | PA.isnull())', engine = 'python')
               # use Hits Above Average value for player rating
               .assign(HAA = lambda df: df.H - df.AB * df.H.sum()/df.AB.sum(),
                       Rating = lambda df: zscore(df.R) + zscore(df.HR) + zscore(df.RBI) + 
                                           zscore(df.SB) + zscore(df.HAA, nan_policy = 'omit'))
               .sort_values("Rating", ascending = False)
               # drop Mancini, Desmond, Zimmerman, Cain, Smith (players who have opted out)
               .drop(['15149', '6885', '4220', '9077', '8048']))

We’ll take a similar download approach for pitchers. Difference here is we’re looking for new set of statistics; the ESPN standard scoring gives weight to K, W, ERA, WHIP, SV. My league happens to use SVHD as the fifth metric, so although most projections don’t account for holds, we’ll denote this column as SVHD regardless, and understand the projections here aren’t perfect. We’ll use the same transformation we performed for batters missing H or PA entries, fill in missing SVHD values with the mean of other projection systems for that player or 0 if there are no other projections. We’ll also determine the position of pitchers (starter or reliever) based on the number of games started and innings pitched. This classification will then be used to rate starters and relievers differently, with less weight given to the naturally low ERA and WHIP of relievers.

all_pitchers = (pd.concat([atc_pitchers, fgdc_pitchers, steamer_pitchers, 
                           thebat_pitchers, zips_pitchers,
                           espn_pitchers[["IP", "H", "ER", "BB", "SO", "W", "ERA", "WHIP", "SV", "System"]],
                           nf_pitchers[["IP", "H", "ER", "BB", "SO", "W", "ERA", "WHIP", "SV", "System"]],
                           razzball_pitchers[["GS", "G", "IP", "H", "ER", "BB", "SO", "W", "ERA", "WHIP", "SV", "System"]]])
                .rename(columns = {"SO": "K", "SV": "SVHD"})
                .query('(ADP < 999 | ADP.isnull()) & (IP > 15)', engine = 'python')
                .assign(SVHD = lambda df: df.SVHD.fillna(df.groupby('playerid')['SVHD'].transform('mean')).fillna(0),
                        Position = lambda df: np.where((df.GS.isnull() & (df.IP > 30)) | (df.GS / df.G >= 0.5), 
                                                       'SP', 'RP'),
                        Rating = lambda df: np.where(df.Position == "SP", 
                                                     zscore(df.K) + zscore(df.W) + zscore(df.SVHD) + zscore(-df.ERA) + zscore(-df.WHIP),
                                                     zscore(df.K) + zscore(df.W) + zscore(df.SVHD) + 0.5*zscore(-df.ERA) + 0.5*zscore(-df.WHIP)))
                .sort_values("Rating", ascending = False)
                # drop Sale, Syndergaard, Severino, Price, Taillon, Archer, Vazquez, Leake, Ross, McHugh, Smith
                .drop(['10603', '11762', '15890', '3184', '11674', '6345', '12076', '10130', '12972', '7531']))

Now, we’ll add in the “bread and butter” of this projection system: the automated notes. Using the skew function from scipy.stats, we’ll auto-assign players upside/risk grades, based on the distribution of their projections.

all_players = all_batters.merge(all_pitchers, how = "outer", on = ['playerid', 'ADP', 'System', 'Rating'])

# using scipy.stats.skew, compute skewness of projection systems for individual players -> classify type of player accordingly
proj_skew = all_players['Rating'].groupby('playerid').agg(skew, nan_policy = 'omit')

conditions = [
    (proj_skew < -2),
    (proj_skew < -1.25),
    (proj_skew < -0.5),
    (proj_skew < 0),
    (proj_skew == 0),
    (proj_skew > 2),
    (proj_skew > 1.25),
    (proj_skew > 0.5),
    (proj_skew > 0)

values = ['High Risk', 'Med Risk', 'Low Risk', 'Stable', 'Not Enough Data', 
          'High Upside', 'Med Upside', 'Low Upside', 'Stable']

notes = pd.Series(np.select(conditions, values), index = proj_skew.index)

Let’s look at three top fantasy players for example. First, consider Cody Bellinger’s stable projection. His player rating across systems, shown below, is unimodal and clustered around 10. We feel fairly comfortable concluding Bellinger will likely perform close to this mark. The blue line gives the average player rating, with the red line giving the median.


Now, let’s look at Acuna (a medium upside player) and Ramirez (a low risk player). Note the graphs appear in that order. Here, we see two bimodal distributions: Acuna with some upside (one system thinks he will be an MVP level player), and Ramirez with some downside.



We’ll import in some stats from 2019, specifically context neutral run value and xwOBA, and add them into the final sheet. See the GitHub repository for full code and necessary data. We’ll also merge in player positions from ESPN, as well as their average draft pick. Finally, the summary stats will be re-computed for accuracy.

final_sheet = (all_players.groupby('playerid')
               .sort_values("Rating", ascending=False)
               .assign(Notes = notes)
               .merge(names, how = 'left', on = 'playerid')
               .merge(cnrv19, how = 'left', on = 'playerid')
               .merge(savant_batters, how = 'left', on = 'playerid')
               .merge(savant_pitchers, how = 'left', on = 'playerid')
               .merge(pd.concat([espn_batters[['Position']], espn_pitchers[['Position']]]), 
                                how = 'left', on = 'playerid')
               .assign(Rank = lambda df: df.index + 1,
                       AVG = lambda df: round(df.H_x / df.AB, 3),
                       ERA = lambda df: round(df.ER * 9 / df.IP, 2),
                       WHIP = lambda df: round((df.BB + df.H_y) / df.IP, 2),
                       K9 = lambda df: round(df.K * 9 / df.IP, 2),
                       xwOBA19 = lambda df: np.where(df.IP.isnull() | (df.IP < 5), df.xwOBA19_x, df.xwOBA19_y))
               .round({'ADP': 1, 'Rating': 2, 'PA': 0, 'R': 0, 'HR': 0, 'RBI': 0, 'AVG': 3,
                       'SB': 0, 'K': 0, 'IP': 0, 'W': 0})
               .rename(columns = {'K9': 'K/9'})
               .loc[:, ['Rank', 'ADP', 'Name', 'Position', 'Rating', 'Notes', 'xwOBA19', 'cnrv19',  
                        'PA', 'R', 'HR', 'RBI', 'SB', 'AVG', 
                        'K/9', 'IP', 'K', 'W', 'ERA', 'WHIP', 'SVHD', 'playerid']])

And there we have it, our final sheet!


The top 300 players from the projection system are given below.

Rank ADP Name Position Rating Notes
1 1.7 Ronald Acuna Jr. OF 11.38 Med Upside
2 1.6 Christian Yelich OF 11.32 Stable
3 6.1 Gerrit Cole SP 10.24 Med Upside
4 6 Mike Trout OF 10.15 Stable
5 4 Cody Bellinger OF, 1B 9.90 Stable
6 4.9 Mookie Betts OF 9.50 Stable
7 7.8 Trea Turner SS 9.39 Low Upside
8 7.3 Francisco Lindor SS 9.24 Stable
9 15.3 Justin Verlander SP 9.05 Med Upside
10 8.8 Jacob deGrom SP 8.61 Low Upside
11 13.5 Nolan Arenado 3B 8.55 Stable
12 15.1 Max Scherzer SP 8.49 Stable
13 13 Jose Ramirez 3B 8.45 Low Risk
14 11 Juan Soto OF 8.35 Low Upside
15 12 Trevor Story SS 8.34 Low Risk
16 23.2 J.D. Martinez OF, DH 7.78 Low Risk
17 23.6 Rafael Devers 3B 7.74 Low Risk
18 17.2 Alex Bregman 3B, SS 7.40 Stable
19 39.7 Jose Altuve 2B 7.22 Stable
20 19.6 Bryce Harper OF 7.01 Stable
21 27.3 Starling Marte OF 6.75 Stable
22 14.9 Walker Buehler SP 6.72 Low Upside
23 33.8 Javier Baez SS 6.62 Stable
24 25.4 Shane Bieber SP 6.60 Stable
25 32.4 Ozzie Albies 2B 6.57 Stable
26 28.3 Stephen Strasburg SP 6.50 Stable
27 17.3 Fernando Tatis Jr. SS 6.31 Med Risk
28 47.1 George Springer OF 6.28 Stable
29 48.9 Charlie Morton SP 6.23 Stable
30 22.9 Jack Flaherty SP 6.16 Low Upside
31 21.1 Mike Clevinger SP 6.13 Low Risk
32 29.3 Gleyber Torres SS, 2B 6.13 Low Upside
33 34.5 Clayton Kershaw SP 6.12 Stable
34 40.7 Xander Bogaerts SS 6.04 Stable
35 26.1 Freddie Freeman 1B 6.02 Low Upside
36 46.1 Blake Snell SP 5.87 Low Risk
37 31 Adalberto Mondesi SS 5.86 Stable
38 66 Manny Machado 3B, SS 5.82 Med Risk
39 25.6 Anthony Rendon 3B 5.76 Low Upside
40 39.2 Ketel Marte OF, 2B 5.74 Stable
41 99.9 Marcell Ozuna OF 5.64 Low Risk
42 64.9 Charlie Blackmon OF 5.40 Stable
43 60.6 Nelson Cruz DH 5.40 Low Risk
44 33.3 Peter Alonso 1B 5.40 Stable
45 75.3 Anthony Rizzo 1B 5.31 Stable
46 37.2 Keston Hiura 2B 5.27 Stable
47 47.1 Bo Bichette SS 5.25 Stable
48 67.3 Giancarlo Stanton OF 5.20 Low Upside
49 57.8 Yordan Alvarez DH 5.16 Stable
50 44.5 Josh Hader RP 5.15 Med Risk
51 63.2 Whit Merrifield 2B, OF 5.14 Stable
52 95.1 Tim Anderson SS 5.13 Low Risk
53 60.1 Kris Bryant 3B, OF 5.09 Low Upside
54 61.4 Zack Greinke SP 5.05 Med Upside
55 37.5 Austin Meadows OF, DH 5.04 Stable
56 47.3 Lucas Giolito SP 5.02 Low Upside
57 78.3 Paul Goldschmidt 1B 4.96 Stable
58 67.3 Victor Robles OF 4.90 Stable
59 47.5 Patrick Corbin SP 4.89 Stable
60 100.4 Eddie Rosario OF 4.82 Stable
61 74.8 Jose Abreu 1B, DH 4.78 Stable
62 59.9 Eloy Jimenez OF 4.77 Low Upside
63 96.3 Marcus Semien SS 4.76 Low Risk
64 71 Yoan Moncada 3B 4.64 Low Upside
65 41.6 Luis Castillo SP 4.60 Stable
66 75.9 Eugenio Suarez 3B 4.59 Low Upside
67 62.3 Aaron Judge OF 4.58 Low Risk
68 52.7 Chris Paddack SP 4.50 Stable
69 77.8 Nicholas Castellanos OF 4.46 Med Risk
70 70.1 Tyler Glasnow SP 4.45 Stable
71 40.3 Jonathan Villar 2B, SS 4.37 Low Upside
72 94.4 Tommy Pham OF, DH 4.34 Low Upside
73 81.6 Trevor Bauer SP 4.32 Stable
74 67.1 Aaron Nola SP 4.31 Stable
75 129.9 Carlos Carrasco SP, RP 4.24 Stable
76 53 Yu Darvish SP 4.23 Stable
77 98.3 Josh Bell 1B 4.22 Med Upside
78 95.9 James Paxton SP 4.20 Stable
79 96.7 Mike Moustakas 3B, 2B 4.18 Low Upside
80 60.7 Kirby Yates RP 4.16 Med Risk
81 87 Josh Donaldson 3B 4.12 Stable
82 93.1 Jeff McNeil OF, 2B, 3B 4.10 Stable
83 162.6 Jorge Polanco SS 4.05 Low Risk
84 120.4 Andrew Benintendi OF 4.01 Stable
85 56.9 Vladimir Guerrero Jr. 3B, DH 4.01 Low Risk
86 66.4 Roberto Osuna RP 4.01 Med Risk
87 110.7 Lance Lynn SP 3.99 Stable
88 75.5 Liam Hendriks RP 3.92 Med Risk
89 66.1 Jose Berrios SP 3.91 Low Upside
90 74 DJ LeMahieu 2B, 1B, 3B 3.71 Stable
91 133 Michael Brantley OF, DH 3.69 Stable
92 137.6 Amed Rosario SS 3.68 Stable
93 104.9 Carlos Correa SS 3.68 Low Risk
94 107.7 Edwin Diaz RP 3.65 Med Risk
95 93.7 Matt Chapman 3B 3.62 Low Upside
96 45.1 J.T. Realmuto C 3.57 Low Risk
97 83.1 Brandon Woodruff SP 3.51 Stable
98 101.6 Jorge Soler OF, DH 3.51 Low Risk
99 152.5 Justin Turner 3B 3.47 Low Risk
100 121.4 Kyle Schwarber OF 3.45 Low Upside
101 160.1 Yuli Gurriel 1B, 3B 3.42 Stable
102 76.7 Aroldis Chapman RP 3.40 Med Risk
103 95.5 Corey Kluber SP 3.38 Low Upside
104 49.2 Matt Olson 1B 3.32 Low Risk
105 84 Kenley Jansen RP 3.28 Low Risk
106 123.2 Rhys Hoskins 1B 3.26 Stable
107 75.6 Max Muncy 2B, 1B, 3B 3.24 Stable
108 94.8 Sonny Gray SP 3.24 Stable
109 142.1 Carlos Santana 1B, DH 3.24 Stable
110 128 Michael Conforto OF 3.23 Stable
111 146.1 Max Kepler OF 3.21 Low Risk
112 205.9 Ryan Braun OF 3.20 Stable
113 83.1 Ramon Laureano OF 3.19 Low Upside
114 148.8 Elvis Andrus SS 3.18 Stable
115 83.8 Taylor Rogers RP 3.17 Med Risk
116 117.3 Oscar Mercado OF 3.15 Low Upside
117 190.1 Paul DeJong SS 3.14 Med Risk
118 106.4 Franmil Reyes OF, DH 3.12 Stable
119 203.1 Jean Segura SS 3.09 Med Upside
120 92.5 Frankie Montas SP 3.08 Med Upside
121 117.9 Mike Soroka SP 3.08 Stable
122 94.2 Brad Hand RP 3.06 Med Risk
123 151.3 Matthew Boyd SP 3.01 Low Risk
124 122.9 Nick Anderson RP 2.98 Low Risk
125 149.6 Hyun-Jin Ryu SP 2.95 Stable
126 202.4 Adam Eaton OF 2.93 Stable
127 101.2 Ken Giles RP 2.92 Low Risk
128 140.3 Max Fried SP 2.91 Low Risk
129 143.7 David Dahl OF 2.91 Stable
130 130.5 Eduardo Escobar 3B, 2B 2.88 Stable
131 130.8 Shohei Ohtani DH, SP 2.86 Low Risk
132 139.7 Corey Seager SS 2.85 Low Upside
133 212 Andrew McCutchen OF 2.84 Stable
134 153.6 Byron Buxton OF 2.81 Low Risk
135 198.9 Avisail Garcia OF, DH 2.77 Low Upside
136 95.8 Joey Gallo OF 2.76 Stable
137 171.9 Mike Minor SP 2.76 Med Upside
138 195.7 Andrew Heaney SP 2.76 Stable
139 163.3 Lance McCullers Jr. SP 2.70 Med Risk
140 169.9 Eduardo Rodriguez SP 2.66 Low Upside
141 150.7 Kyle Hendricks SP 2.59 Stable
142 97.7 Jesus Luzardo RP 2.55 Stable
143 159.6 Zack Wheeler SP 2.55 Stable
144 249.8 Starlin Castro 2B, 3B 2.53 Low Upside
145 114.6 Raisel Iglesias RP 2.52 Med Risk
146 197.6 German Marquez SP 2.49 Stable
147 174.6 Jake Odorizzi SP 2.49 Low Upside
148 139.8 Danny Santana OF, 1B 2.45 Low Upside
149 132.4 Brandon Workman RP 2.45 Med Risk
150 146.1 Lourdes Gurriel Jr. OF 2.45 Low Risk
151 126.1 Zac Gallen SP 2.43 Low Upside
152 145.9 Kenta Maeda SP, RP 2.37 Stable
153 190.2 Bryan Reynolds OF 2.29 Low Risk
154 165.2 Robbie Ray SP 2.29 Stable
155 129.6 Dinelson Lamet SP 2.27 Stable
156 200.4 Alex Verdugo OF 2.26 Stable
157 257.8 Howie Kendrick 1B, 2B 2.26 Low Risk
158 235.3 Didi Gregorius SS 2.14 Stable
159 125.3 Julio Urias RP, SP 2.11 Med Risk
160 172.7 Gavin Lux 2B 2.10 Stable
161 169.5 Khris Davis DH 2.09 Stable
162 163 Edwin Encarnacion 1B, DH 2.05 Stable
163 213.4 Dylan Bundy SP 2.02 Stable
164 232.1 Masahiro Tanaka SP 2.00 Stable
165 121.8 Miguel Sano 3B 1.98 Stable
166 140.7 Madison Bumgarner SP 1.94 Low Risk
167 146.6 Jose Leclerc RP 1.93 Med Risk
168 251.3 Luis Arraez 2B, OF 1.92 Stable
169 211.6 Joe Musgrove SP 1.91 Low Risk
170 283.9 Joey Votto 1B 1.89 Low Upside
171 173.8 Mallex Smith OF 1.88 Stable
172 265.4 Cesar Hernandez 2B 1.84 Low Upside
173 121.9 Hector Neris RP 1.83 Low Risk
174 203.7 C.J. Cron 1B 1.79 Stable
175 185.6 Rich Hill SP 1.78 Stable
176 208.6 Marcus Stroman SP 1.77 Low Upside
177 244.8 Daniel Murphy 1B 1.77 Low Risk
178 224.3 Kolten Wong 2B 1.72 Stable
179 214.5 A.J. Puk RP 1.70 Low Risk
180 228.4 Rougned Odor 2B 1.69 Low Risk
181 196.7 Nick Senzel OF 1.68 Stable
182 148.8 Archie Bradley RP 1.67 Med Risk
183 128 Craig Kimbrel RP 1.67 Low Risk
184 183.1 Sean Manaea SP 1.65 Low Upside
185 177.8 Keone Kela RP 1.65 Med Risk
186 175.6 Joe Jimenez RP 1.62 Low Risk
187 183.9 Kyle Tucker OF 1.62 High Upside
188 130.4 Tommy Edman 3B, 2B 1.60 Stable
189 195.3 Kevin Newman SS, 2B 1.58 Stable
190 132 Alex Colome RP 1.56 Med Risk
191 206.1 Justin Upton OF 1.53 Stable
192 205.1 Brandon Lowe 2B 1.50 Low Risk
193 224.1 Jose Urquidy SP 1.45 Stable
194 378.6 Jonathan Schoop 2B 1.43 Stable
195 178.6 Sean Doolittle RP 1.42 Low Risk
196 203.5 Giovanny Gallegos RP 1.40 Low Risk
197 132.6 Hansel Robles RP 1.34 Med Risk
198 161.6 J.D. Davis OF, 3B 1.32 Stable
199 282.7 Yonny Chirinos SP, RP 1.32 Low Upside
200 255.3 David Peralta OF 1.29 Low Upside
201 230.4 Ryan Yarbrough RP, SP 1.27 Stable
202 270.3 Jon Gray SP 1.22 Low Risk
203 196 Christian Walker 1B 1.22 Stable
204 256 Eric Hosmer 1B 1.20 Stable
205 248.8 Dansby Swanson SS 1.20 Low Upside
206 266.1 Shogo Akiyama OF 1.19 Low Upside
207 601 Ian Miller OF 1.17 Not Enough Data
208 171.1 Ryan McMahon 2B, 3B 1.17 Low Risk
209 87.9 Gary Sanchez C 1.16 Low Upside
210 214.8 Joc Pederson OF, 1B 1.14 Low Risk
211 236.2 Joshua James RP 1.11 Low Risk
212 170.7 Scott Kingery OF, 3B 1.11 Stable
213 163.5 Carlos Martinez RP 1.09 Stable
214 275.9 Randal Grichuk OF 1.09 Low Risk
215 285.1 Dallas Keuchel SP 1.09 Stable
216 247.8 Caleb Smith SP 1.09 Stable
217 528.8 Marco Gonzales SP 1.08 Stable
218 175.1 Will Smith RP 1.06 Low Risk
219 291.8 Emilio Pagan RP 1.02 Stable
220 191 Hunter Dozier 3B, OF 1.00 Stable
221 325.7 Ryan Pressly RP 0.99 Stable
222 201 Luke Weaver SP 0.99 Low Upside
223 227.3 Brian Anderson 3B, OF 0.98 Stable
224 223 Ross Stripling RP, SP 0.96 Low Upside
225 272.3 Miles Mikolas SP 0.95 Low Upside
226 125 Cavan Biggio 2B 0.90 Stable
227 257 Joey Lucchesi SP 0.83 Stable
228 299.2 A.J. Pollock OF 0.83 Stable
229 339.5 Diego Castillo RP, SP 0.81 Stable
230 228.2 Shin-Soo Choo OF, DH 0.80 Low Risk
231 211.8 Mike Foltynewicz SP 0.80 Stable
232 256.3 Nomar Mazara OF 0.79 Low Risk
233 237.8 Wil Myers OF 0.78 Stable
234 180 Ian Kennedy RP 0.77 High Risk
235 243.6 Giovanny Urshela 3B 0.75 Stable
236 428.4 Willy Adames SS 0.75 Low Risk
237 518.1 Andrelton Simmons SS 0.75 Low Risk
238 246.6 Dustin May RP 0.75 Low Upside
239 476.2 Kwang-hyun Kim RP, SP 0.75 Stable
240 292.2 Renato Nunez 1B, DH 0.74 Stable
241 453.1 Rick Porcello SP 0.73 Stable
242 241.8 Alex Wood SP 0.72 Low Upside
243 306 Corey Dickerson OF 0.68 Stable
244 600.8 Adolis Garcia OF 0.66 Not Enough Data
245 291.8 Gregory Polanco OF 0.65 Stable
246 185.8 Willie Calhoun OF 0.65 Low Risk
247 395 Kevin Gausman SP, RP 0.64 Low Upside
248 558.9 Adam Frazier 2B 0.64 Stable
249 179.5 Mark Melancon RP 0.63 Low Risk
250 276.9 Hunter Renfroe OF 0.61 Stable
251 519.5 Matt Barnes RP 0.58 Stable
252 588.8 Seth Beer 1B 0.55 Not Enough Data
253 533.4 Hanser Alberto 2B, 3B 0.53 Stable
254 238.3 Mark Canha OF 0.52 Low Risk
255 319.7 Tony Watson RP 0.52 Low Risk
256 276.8 Austin Hays OF 0.52 Low Risk
257 599.7 Abraham Toro 3B, DH 0.51 Not Enough Data
258 110.3 Yasmani Grandal C, 1B 0.51 Stable
259 575.9 Cedric Mullins II OF 0.51 Not Enough Data
260 288.3 Nick Solak DH 0.50 Low Upside
261 230.2 Adrian Houser SP, RP 0.50 Low Risk
262 116.2 Willson Contreras C 0.49 Stable
263 280.2 Miguel Andujar DH 0.44 Low Risk
264 264.8 Seth Lugo RP 0.43 Low Risk
265 472.7 Anthony Santander OF 0.40 Low Upside
266 403.4 Dellin Betances RP 0.39 Stable
267 555.3 Nick Ahmed SS 0.39 Stable
268 600.7 Odubel Herrera OF 0.38 Not Enough Data
269 325.4 J.A. Happ SP 0.38 Low Risk
270 317.1 Mychal Givens RP 0.38 Stable
271 599 Colin Poche RP 0.33 Stable
272 566.9 Chad Green RP, SP 0.33 Stable
273 512.7 Pablo Lopez SP 0.33 Low Risk
274 277 Austin Riley OF 0.32 Med Risk
275 239.3 Aaron Civale SP 0.32 Low Upside
276 237.4 Mitch Keller SP 0.29 Low Risk
277 353.8 Teoscar Hernandez OF 0.29 Stable
278 575.4 Jackie Bradley Jr. OF 0.28 Stable
279 457.1 Chris Bassitt SP 0.28 Stable
280 249.9 Anthony DeSclafani SP 0.26 Low Risk
281 449 Kyle Seager 3B 0.26 Stable
282 407.8 Eric Thames 1B 0.25 Stable
283 589 Jakob Junis SP 0.23 Low Risk
284 202.1 Yasiel Puig OF 0.23 Low Upside
285 327.3 Griffin Canning SP 0.21 Low Upside
286 347.9 Josh Lindblom SP 0.20 Low Risk
287 524 Jurickson Profar 2B 0.20 Stable
288 328.9 Trent Grisham OF 0.15 Stable
289 566 Jason Heyward OF 0.15 Stable
290 600.2 Jeter Downs SS 0.14 Not Enough Data
291 281.8 Niko Goodrum SS, 2B, OF 0.12 Low Risk
292 445.2 Kole Calhoun OF 0.12 Low Upside
293 540 Austin Adams RP 0.11 Stable
294 256.5 Ian Happ OF 0.11 Stable
295 187.3 Luke Voit 1B, DH 0.10 Stable
296 600.3 Adam Jones OF 0.09 Not Enough Data
297 570.7 Ty Buttrey RP 0.06 Stable
298 396.5 Brendan McKay SP 0.05 Med Risk
299 320.9 Cole Hamels SP 0.03 Low Risk
300 502.7 Kevin Kiermaier OF 0.03 Low Upside