The following is a set of instructions to build and format a comprehensive MLB Statcast database including play-by-play data and statistics such as pitch tracking, exit velocity, and launch angle. Bill Petti’s scraping functions from the baseballr R package are used to source data from Baseball Savant. Full R code is located on GitHub.

The documentation can be found at the end of the post.

Download Statcast Data

Scrape the online Baseball Savant play-by-play data for the specified season.


scrape_statcast <- function(season) {
  # create weeks of dates for season from mar - nov
  # includes spring training + postseason
  dates <- seq.Date(as.Date(paste0(season, '-03-01')),
                    as.Date(paste0(season, '-12-01')), by = 'week')
  date_grid <- tibble(start_date = dates, 
                      end_date = dates + 6)
  # create 'safe' version of scrape_statcast_savant in case week doesn't process
  safe_savant <- safely(scrape_statcast_savant)
  # loop over each row of date_grid, and collect each week in a df
  payload <- map(.x = seq_along(date_grid$start_date), 
                 ~{message(paste0('\nScraping week of ', date_grid$start_date[.x], '...\n'))
                   payload <- safe_savant(start_date = date_grid$start_date[.x], 
                                          end_date = date_grid$end_date[.x], type = 'pitcher')
  payload_df <- map(payload, 'result')
  # eliminate results with an empty dataframe
  number_rows <- map_df(.x = seq_along(payload_df), 
                        ~{number_rows <- tibble(week = .x, 
                                                number_rows = length(payload_df[[.x]]$game_date))}) %>%
    filter(number_rows > 0) %>%
  payload_df_reduced <- payload_df[number_rows]
  combined <- payload_df_reduced %>%

This should take ~10 minutes per call.

Format Statcast Data

The following can be condensed into a single formatting function called format_statcast(), but will be broken up here to explain more thoroughly. Refer to the full GitHub code if clarity is needed, or if you’d like to download the code in it’s entirety. Let “df” denote the input season-worth of data when the function is called.

First, we need to modify and standardize some of the pre-existing data.

  df <- df %>%
    mutate(pitch_type = ifelse(pitch_type == "", "UN", pitch_type),
           # expand game_type codes for clarity
           game_type = case_when(
             game_type == "E" ~ "Exhibition",
             game_type == "S" ~ "Spring Training",
             game_type == "R" ~ "Regular Season",
             game_type == "F" ~ "Wild Card",
             game_type == "D" ~ "Divisional Series",
             game_type == "L" ~ "League Championship Series",
             game_type == "W" ~ "World Series"),
           # create binary handedness indicators
           is_lhb = ifelse(stand == "L", "1", "0"),
           is_lhp = ifelse(p_throws == "L", "1", "0"),
           # create fielderid to accompany hit_location, giving the
           fielderid = case_when(
             hit_location == "1" ~ as.character(pitcher),
             hit_location == "2" ~ as.character(fielder_2),
             hit_location == "3" ~ as.character(fielder_3),
             hit_location == "4" ~ as.character(fielder_4),
             hit_location == "5" ~ as.character(fielder_5),
             hit_location == "6" ~ as.character(fielder_6),
             hit_location == "7" ~ as.character(fielder_7),
             hit_location == "8" ~ as.character(fielder_8),
             hit_location == "9" ~ as.character(fielder_9)),
           fielderid = as.numeric(fielderid),
           # binary inning half indicator
           is_bottom = ifelse(inning_topbot == "Bot", "1", "0"),
           # add spray angle 
           spray_angle = round(atan((hc_x-125.42)/(198.27-hc_y))*180/pi*.75, 1),
           # standardize team abbreviations (some deprecated)
           home_team = case_when(
             home_team == "FLA" ~ "MIA",
             home_team == "KC" ~ "KCR",
             home_team == "SD" ~ "SDP",
             home_team == "SF" ~ "SFG",
             home_team == "TB" ~ "TBR",
             TRUE ~ home_team),
           away_team = case_when(
             away_team == "FLA" ~ "MIA",
             away_team == "KC" ~ "KCR",
             away_team == "SD" ~ "SDP",
             away_team == "SF" ~ "SFG",
             away_team == "TB" ~ "TBR",
             TRUE ~ away_team),
           # runner status
           run_on_1b = ifelse(on_1b == "0", NA, on_1b),
           run_on_2b = ifelse(on_2b == "0", NA, on_2b),
           run_on_3b = ifelse(on_3b == "0", NA, on_3b),
           # pitch information
           is_bip = ifelse(type == "X", 1, 0),
           is_stk = ifelse(type == "S", 1, 0),
           # baseout state before PA event
           basecode_before = case_when(
    & & ~ "000",
    & ~ "001",
    & ~ "010",
    & ~ "100",
    ~ "110",
    ~ "101",
    ~ "011",
             TRUE ~ "111")) %>%
    rename(vis_team = away_team,
           batterid = batter,
           pitcherid = pitcher,
           event_type = events,
           event_description = des,
           pitch_description = description,
           outs_before = outs_when_up,
           hit_distance = hit_distance_sc,
           pa_number = at_bat_number,
           bat_score_before = bat_score,
           gameid = game_pk,
           field_score = fld_score,
           release_spin = release_spin_rate) %>%
    arrange(game_date, gameid, pa_number, pitch_number)

Here we’re going to fix a couple issues with our source data. Some of the pitch number counts are incorrect, which in turn causes the ball and strike counts to be wrong. We’ll re-calculate those values. Likewise, sometimes the PA number is not updated, leading to errors such as 7 ball counts. Finally, the batting team’s score after the PA is always equal to the score before the PA. So, we’ll re-calculate bat_score_after as well.
We’ll also add player names, because who knows what batter id 545361 means (that’s Mike Trout, if you’re wondering). These are sourced from the Chadwick Bureau. Latest version can always be found on GitHub. Note, you should load the csv outside of the formatting function.

  register <- read_csv("chadwick_register.csv") %>%
    filter(! %>%
    mutate(name = paste(name_first, name_last))
  df <- df %>%
    # correct pitch numbering, ball, and strike counts
    group_by(gameid, pa_number, batterid) %>%
    mutate(pitch_number = row_number(),
           is_last_pitch = ifelse(row_number() == n(), 1, 0),
           balls = pmin(pitch_number - cumsum(lag(is_stk, default = 0)) - 1, 3),
           strikes = pmin(cumsum(lag(is_stk, default = 0)), 2)) %>%
    # post PA information
    group_by(gameid, inning, is_bottom) %>%
    mutate(outs_after = ifelse(row_number() == n() & 
                                 inning == 9 & is_bottom == 1 & 
                                 str_detect(pitch_description, "score"),
                               lead(outs_before, default = 3)),
           basecode_after = ifelse(row_number() == n() & 
                                     inning == 9 & is_bottom == 1 & 
                                     str_detect(pitch_description, "score"),
                                   lead(basecode_before, default = "000")),
           baseout_state_before = paste(basecode_before, outs_before),
           baseout_state_after = paste(basecode_after, outs_after)) %>%
    # correct PA number, get runs scored from PA
    group_by(gameid) %>%
    mutate(pa_number = cumsum(lag(is_last_pitch, default = 0)) + 1,
           bat_score_after = 
             ifelse(row_number() == n(),
                    ifelse(is_bottom == 1, 
                           ifelse(str_detect(pitch_description, "score"), 
                                  away_score + 1, home_score), away_score),
                    ifelse(is_bottom == 1, lead(home_score), 
                           lead(away_score)))) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    # add player names
    left_join(select(register, key_mlbam, name), 
              by = c("batterid" = "key_mlbam")) %>%
    rename(batter_name = name) %>%
    left_join(select(register, key_mlbam, name), 
              by = c("pitcherid" = "key_mlbam")) %>%
    rename(pitcher_name = name) %>%
    left_join(select(register, key_mlbam, name), 
              by = c("fielderid" = "key_mlbam")) %>%
    rename(fielder_name = name) %>%
    arrange(game_date, gameid, pa_number, pitch_number)

Next, we’ll calculate run expectancy for the season, given base-out state and base-out-count state individually. See this article for more information on those statistics.

  re24 <- df %>%
    group_by(game_date, gameid, inning, is_bottom) %>%
    mutate(runs_roi = max(bat_score_after) - bat_score_before) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    group_by(baseout_state_before) %>%
    summarise(mean_roi = mean(runs_roi)) %>%
    rename(state = baseout_state_before) %>%
    rbind(c("000 3", 0)) %>%
    mutate(mean_roi = as.numeric(mean_roi))
  re288 <- df %>%
    group_by(game_date, gameid, inning, is_bottom) %>%
    mutate(runs_roi = max(bat_score_after) - bat_score_before,
           full_state_before = paste0(baseout_state_before, " ", 
                                      balls, "-", strikes)) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    group_by(full_state_before) %>%
    summarise(mean_roi = mean(runs_roi)) %>%
    rename(state = full_state_before) %>%
    rbind(c("000 3 0-0", 0)) %>%
    mutate(mean_roi = as.numeric(mean_roi))

Using our run expectancy matrices, we’ll add context dependent and context neutral run values for both RE24 and RE288.

  df <- df %>%
    mutate(full_state_before = paste0(baseout_state_before, " ", balls, "-", 
           full_state_after = case_when(
             is_last_pitch == 1 ~ paste0(baseout_state_after, " 0-0"),
             strikes == 2 & is_stk == 1 ~ paste0(baseout_state_before, " ", 
                                                 balls, "-", strikes),
             is_stk == 1 ~ paste0(baseout_state_before, " ", balls, "-", 
                                  strikes + 1),
             is_stk == 0 ~ paste0(baseout_state_before, " ", balls + 1, "-", 
             TRUE ~ "ERROR")) %>%
    left_join(re24, by = c("baseout_state_before" = "state"), keep = TRUE) %>%
    rename(re24_before = mean_roi) %>%
    left_join(re24, by = c("baseout_state_after" = "state"), keep = TRUE) %>%
    rename(re24_after = mean_roi) %>%
    mutate(re24_before = ifelse(is_last_pitch == 1, re24_before, NA),
           re24_after = ifelse(is_last_pitch == 1, re24_after, NA),
           cdrv_24 = ifelse(is_last_pitch == 1, 
                            bat_score_after - bat_score_before + 
                              re24_after - re24_before, NA)) %>%
    group_by(event_type) %>%
    mutate(cnrv_24 = mean(cdrv_24)) %>%
    left_join(re288, by = c("full_state_before" = "state"), keep = TRUE) %>%
    rename(re288_before = mean_roi) %>%
    left_join(re288, by = c("full_state_after" = "state"), keep = TRUE) %>%
    rename(re288_after = mean_roi) %>%
    mutate(cn_event = ifelse(is_last_pitch == 1, paste0(balls, "-", strikes, 
                                                        " ", event_type),
                             ifelse(is_stk == 1, paste0(balls, "-", strikes, 
                                                        " strike"),
                                    paste0(balls, "-", strikes, " ball"))),
           cdrv_288 = ifelse(is_last_pitch == 1, 
                             bat_score_after - bat_score_before + 
                               re288_after - re288_before, 
                             re288_after - re288_before)) %>%
    group_by(cn_event) %>%
    mutate(cnrv_288 = mean(cdrv_288)) %>%

We’ll also add some information about the location of the pitch, like the attack region. Specs on the region dimensions can be found here. And, finally, we’ll order all the fields.

  df <- df %>%
    mutate(rel_plate_x = plate_x / ((17/2 + 1.456) / 12),
           rel_plate_z = (plate_z - (sz_bot - 1.456/12)) /
             (sz_top - sz_bot + 1.456*2/12) * 2 - 1,
           attack_region = case_when(
             abs(rel_plate_x) < 0.67 & abs(rel_plate_z) < 0.67 ~ "Heart",
             abs(rel_plate_x) < 1.33 & abs(rel_plate_z) < 1.33 ~ "Shadow",
             abs(rel_plate_x) < 2.00 & abs(rel_plate_z) < 2.00 ~ "Chase",
             TRUE ~ "Waste"),
           attack_region = ifelse( |, NA, attack_region)) %>%
    select(gameid, game_year, game_date, game_type, home_team, vis_team, 
           pa_number, pitch_number, inning, is_bottom, batterid, batter_name, 
           is_lhb, pitcherid, pitcher_name, is_lhp, bat_score_before, 
           bat_score_after, field_score, baseout_state_before, 
           baseout_state_after, event_type, event_description, 
           pitch_description, balls, strikes, is_last_pitch, is_bip, is_stk, 
           pitch_type, attack_region, plate_x, plate_z, sz_top, sz_bot, 
           rel_plate_x, rel_plate_z, bb_type, estimated_ba_using_speedangle, 
           estimated_woba_using_speedangle, woba_value, woba_denom, 
           babip_value, iso_value, launch_speed, launch_angle,
           launch_speed_angle, hc_x, hc_y, hit_distance, spray_angle, cdrv_24, 
           cnrv_24, cdrv_288, cnrv_288, release_speed, effective_speed, 
           release_extension, pfx_x, pfx_z, vx0, vy0, vz0, ax, ay, az, 
           hit_location, run_on_1b, run_on_2b, run_on_3b, fielderid, 
           fielder_name, fielder_2, fielder_3, fielder_4, fielder_5, fielder_6, 
           fielder_7, fielder_8, fielder_9, if_fielding_alignment, 

If you’re following along and creating one large function, now would be a good time to return “df”.

2019 Example

Let’s now scrape and format all 2019 Statcast data. Note I’ve labeled the previous function format_statcast(). We’ll also save this data frame as a csv, so we don’t have to repeat this process again.

payload_statcast <- scrape_statcast(2019)
statcast_2019 <- format_statcast(payload_statcast)
write.csv(statcast_2019, "statcast_2019.csv", row.names = FALSE)

Ta-da. Now, repeat for all years 2008-2018 desired. Documentation is below.

Statcast Documentation

Data sourced from Baseball Savant

Plate Appearance Information

  • gameid - mlbam gameid
  • game_year – year
  • game_date – date of the game
  • game_type - type of game (e.g. Regular Season, World Series, etc.)
  • home_team – home team
  • vis_team – visiting team
  • pa_number – game pa number
  • pitch_number - total pitch number of the plate appearance
  • inning
  • is_bottom
  • batterid – mlbam batter id
  • batter_name
  • is_lhb – is left handed batter
  • pitcherid – mlbam pitcher id
  • pitcher_name
  • is_lhp – is left handed pitcher
  • bat_score_before – score of batting team before plate appearance event
  • bat_score_after – score of batting team after plate appearance event
  • field_score – field team score during batting event
  • baseout_state_before – basecode and outs before plate appearance event (e.g. 010 1 = runner on 2nd, one out)
  • baseout_state_after – basecode and outs after plate appearance event (e.g. 001 2 = runner on 3rd, two outs)
  • event_type - resulting event of plate appearance
  • event_description - plate appearance description from game day
  • pitch_description - description of resulting pitch

Pitch Details

  • balls – balls when pitch was thrown
  • strikes – strikes when pitch was thrown
  • is_last_pitch - was it the last pitch in the plate appearance
  • is_bip - was the ball put in play
  • is_stk - was the pitch a strike
  • pitch_type – the type of pitch derived from Statcast (CH - changeup; CU - curveball; EP - eephus; FA - fastball; FC - fastball (cutter); FF - fastball (4-seam); FO - forkball; FS - fastball (split finger); FT - fastball (2-seam); IN - intentional ball; KC - knuckle curve; KN - knuckleball; PO - pitchout; SC - screwball; SI - sinker; SL - slider; UN - unknown)
  • attack_region - zone location of the ball when it crosses the plate from the catcher’s perspective (see more)
  • plate_x - horizontal position of the ball in feet when it crosses home plate from the catcher’s perspective
  • plate_z - vertical position of the ball in feet when it crosses home plate from the catcher’s perspective
  • sz_top - top of the batter’s strike zone in feet set by the operator when the ball is halfway to the plate
  • sz_bot - bottom of the batter’s strike zone set in feet by the operator when the ball is halfway to the plate
  • rel_plate_x - zone center at 0, with 1 denoting the strike zone perimeter
  • rel_plate_z - zone center at 0, with 1 denoting the strike zone perimeter (dependent on batter height)

Batting Details

  • bb_type - batted ball type (ground_ball, line_drive, fly_ball, popup)
  • estimated_ba_using_speedangle - estimated batting avg based on launch angle and exit velocity (NA for ‘08-‘14)
  • estimated_woba_using_speedangle - estimated wOBA based on launch angle and exit velocity (NA for ‘08-‘14)
  • woba_value - wOBA value based on result of play
  • woba_denom - wOBA denominator based on result of play (NA for ‘08-‘14)
  • babip_value - BABIP value based on result of play
  • iso_value - ISO value based on result of play
  • launch_speed – exit velocity in mph of batted ball as tracked by Statcast (NA for ‘08-‘14)
  • launch_angle – launch angle in mph of batted ball as tracked by Statcast (NA for ‘08-‘14)
  • launch_speed_angle - launch speed/angle zone based on launch angle and exit velocity (1 = weak, 2 = topped, 3 = under, 4 = flare/burner, 5 = solid contact, 6 = barrel) [NA for ‘08-‘14]
  • hc_x - hit coordiante X of batted ball
  • hc_y - hit coordiante Y of batted ball
  • hit_distance – projected hit distance of the batted ball in feet (NA for ‘08-‘14)
  • spray_angle – spray angle in degrees
  • cdrv_24 - context-dependent run value, based on RE24 (see more)
  • cnrv_24 - context-neutral run value, based on RE24
  • cdrv_288 - context-dependent run value, based on RE288
  • cnrv_288 - context-neutral run value, based on RE288

Pitching Details

  • release_speed – release speed of pitch in mph
  • effective_speed - derived speed based on the extension of the pitcher’s release (NA for ‘08-‘14)
  • release_spin – spin rate of pitch in rpm as tracked by Statcast (NA for ‘08-‘14)
  • release_pos_x – horizontal release position of ball measured in feet from catcher’s perspective (NA for ‘08-‘14)
  • release_pos_y - release position of pitch measured in feet from catcher’s perspective (NA for ‘08-‘14)
  • release_pos_z - vertical release position of ball measured in feet from catcher’s perspective (NA for ‘08-‘14)
  • release_extension - release extension of pitch in feet as tracked by Statcast (NA for ‘08-‘14)
  • pfx_x - horizontal movement in feet from the catcher’s perspective
  • pfx_z - vertical movement in feet from the catcher’s perpsective
  • vx0 - the velocity of the pitch, in feet per second, in x-dimension, determined at y=50 feet
  • vy0 - the velocity of the pitch, in feet per second, in y-dimension, determined at y=50 feet
  • vz0 - the velocity of the pitch, in feet per second, in z-dimension, determined at y=50 feet
  • ax - the acceleration of the pitch, in feet per second per second, in x-dimension, determined at y=50 feet
  • ay - the acceleration of the pitch, in feet per second per second, in y-dimension, determined at y=50 feet
  • az - the acceleration of the pitch, in feet per second per second, in z-dimension, determined at y=50 feet

Runners and Defensive Alignment

  • run_on_1b – id of runner on first pre-pitch
  • run_on_2b – id of runner on second pre-pitch
  • run_on_3b – id of runner on third pre-pitch
  • hit_location - position of first fielder to touch the ball
  • fielderid – mlbam fielder id of first fielder to touch the ball
  • fielder_name - name of first fielder to touch the ball
  • fielder_2 – mlbam id of catcher (NA for ‘08-‘14)
  • fielder_3 – mlbam id of first baseman (NA for ‘08-‘14)
  • fielder_4 – mlbam id of second baseman (NA for ‘08-‘14)
  • fielder_5 – mlbam id of third baseman (NA for ‘08-‘14)
  • fielder_6 – shortstop id (NA for ‘08-‘14)
  • fielder_7 – left fielder id (NA for ‘08-‘14)
  • fielder_8 – centerfielder id (NA for ‘08-‘14)
  • fielder_9 – right fielder id (NA for ‘08-‘14)
  • if_fielding_alignment - infield fielding alignmeent at the time of the pitch (NA for ‘08-‘14)
  • of_fielding_alignment - outfield fielding alignment at the time of the pitch (NA for ‘08-‘14)